Website Risk Assessment:

1. Information Security:

  • Risk: Unauthorized access to sensitive information.

  • Control Measures: Regular security audits, encryption protocols, secure login processes, and restricted access to sensitive data.

2. Data Privacy:

  • Risk: Unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information.

  • Control Measures: Strict adherence to data protection laws, secure data storage, and regular updates to privacy policies.

3. Cybersecurity:

  • Risk: Potential cyber-attacks, malware, or phishing attempts.

  • Control Measures: Use of secure hosting services, regular software updates, and employee training on cybersecurity best practices.

4. Content Accuracy:

  • Risk: Inaccurate or outdated information.

  • Control Measures: Regular website content reviews, updates, and cross-verification of information sources.

5. User Experience:

  • Risk: Poor user experience leading to frustration.

  • Control Measures: Regular testing of website functionality, user feedback collection, and responsive design for various devices.

6. Third-Party Integration:

  • Risk: Issues related to third-party plugins or integrations.

  • Control Measures: Thorough testing before implementing any third-party tools, regular updates, and monitoring for potential issues.

Workshop Risk Assessment:

1. Physical Safety:

  • Risk: Trips, falls, or injuries during workshops.

  • Control Measures: Adequate space, clear pathways, and trained staff to supervise physical activities.

2. Allergies and Medical Conditions:

  • Risk: Allergic reactions or medical emergencies.

  • Control Measures: Collection of participant medical information, communication of allergies to staff, and the presence of first aid kits.

3. Supervision:

  • Risk: Lack of supervision leading to unsafe situations.

  • Control Measures: Adequate staff-to-participant ratios, clear guidelines on acceptable behaviour, and vigilant supervision during all activities.

4. Equipment and Materials:

  • Risk: Improper use of art supplies or equipment.

  • Control Measures: Training participants on proper use, age-appropriate materials, and supervision during activities involving tools.

5. Emotional Well-being:

  • Risk: Emotional distress during sensitive discussions or creative activities.

  • Control Measures: Trained facilitators, open communication channels, and a supportive environment for participants.

6. Communication and Consent:

  • Risk: Inadequate communication or lack of consent.

  • Control Measures: Clearly defined communication channels, consent forms for participation, and regular check-ins with participants.

Note: This risk assessment is a public document to ensure transparency and reassure stakeholders about our commitment to safety and security. INNER ARTIST UK CIC is dedicated to continually improving and maintaining a safe environment for all website users, workshop participants, and staff.

Last Updated: 18/01/2024