1 to 1 Mentoring

Our focus is on supporting young individuals who are vulnerable to the dangers of serious youth violence, grooming, and exploitation.

We dedicate our efforts to engaging with these young people on a regular basis, typically one to three times a week.

Our approach involves picking them up from their homes and providing transportation to constructive activities such as gym sessions, boxing classes, and studio sessions.

We firmly believe in the importance of mentorship and personal development. Therefore, our program is built upon a foundation of mentoring and personal growth initiatives. Through these components, we aim to empower young individuals, foster their personal development, and equip them with the necessary tools and skills to navigate challenges effectively.

To achieve our goals, we work collaboratively with statutory organizations. This partnership enables us to join forces in reducing the risks associated with harm and criminal behavior. By pooling our resources and expertise, we strive to create a safer environment for these young people and steer them away from potential harm and negative influences.